Virtual Farm Tour to Flower’s Dairy and Creamery

On Demand
General Public

Dive into the world of a dairy farm with lawyer turned dairy farmer Morgan Flowers. Meet her cows and peek in on the dairy process from cow to cheese. Flowers creamery uses award-winning

The Dairy Alliance

"The Dairy Alliance is a nonprofit funded by dairy farm families of the Southeast. We work diligently with dairy farmers, schools, sports teams, health professionals, local organizations, state leaders, the media and the public to promote dairy foods and knowledge about the dairy industry. Our efforts center in eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Milk contains thirteen essential nutrients that are important for building strong bones and healthy bodies. To that end, The Dairy Alliance works with consumers of all ages to provide them with nutritional information, dairy industry news, research and recipes for a healthy lifestyle that includes three servings of milk, cheese or yogurt each day."