Egg Tech: STEM for Happy Hens

High School
Middle School

November 4, 2024
10 a.m.-10:45 a.m. (ET)

Healthy eggs come from happy hens! Middle and high school teachers of biology, animal science, engineering, STEM and agriculture science: virtually visit Prairie Star Farms with your students for an insider look at the science of egg production.

Prairie Star Farms, one of the top 10 egg producers in the United States, will take your class behind the scenes to see:

  • inside biosecure hen barns
  • how animal behavior informs hen housing design
  • technology that monitors hen health on modern farms

Students will:

  • Know…how protein rich, cage free eggs are produced in Ohio
  • Understand…how enriched colony housing regulations help hens to produce high quality eggs
  • Be able to…determine how animal science plays an important role in animal care standards


Backed by funding from Ohio soybean farmers and their checkoff program, GrowNextGen brings agriculture science to the classroom by providing real-world educational tools to engage the next generation workforce.