Feed and Fuel Your Future: Food Science and Food Safety with Cargill
September 8, 2022
This 45-minute trip will connect students directly with Andrea Flowers, a merchant working at Cargill, Inc. in Sidney, Ohio, for a LIVE tour of the Cargill facility. Students will learn about careers in the food processing industry
Education Projects
Educationprojects.org was founded by two veteran teachers with a deep desire to inspire students. An unprompted conversation with an agriculture industry executive who wanted consumers to understand more about their business was the spark that started the company. The executive wanted to know “how can we use soybeans to help students understand the science of modern farming?”— the resulting brainstorm of ideas launched our company! Twenty years later, our work starts with the needs of industry and moves into the classroom. Because of our educational backgrounds, we understand teachers’ needs and how to connect those needs to industry. We work to drive industry workforce development while supporting teachers as they guide students’ growth and career awareness. We are teachers, and we love supporting teachers through our industry partnerships.