Partner Information

Partnership Information

What is a Virtual Farm Trip?

A standard Virtual Farm Trip is a 30-45 minute experience connecting students LIVE with a farmer on their farm. Attendees interact with the farmer and a moderator (think news anchor) who is provided by the hosting partner organization (you). We can register your attendees to gather information and metrics from the viewing audience, and after the event, we will send a survey to assist in analyzing your impact. Tours are often streamed to YouTube and posted in the on-demand section of our website for an evergreen experience!

But that’s just a standard trip! There are many customizable options and services we provide for different styles of trips, as well as a variety of virtual experiences (webinars, symposiums, large meetings, conferences, special events, etc.). Our goal is to create an impactful and memorable experience for your audience, and help share your message and reach your goals.

We believe in the power of partnerships! Check out how we can help you reach your audience.

What we provide
What you provide
What we provide

  • Planning – Detailed planning, strategy and promotion to customize for your organization and audiences’ needs
  • Production – Remote logistical and technical support to ensure your event, and its visuals, connection and streams are reaching and engaging your audience
  • Training – Guidance and practice for you, your staff and farmers, and panelists involved in each trip
  • Technology – Checklist(s) and expertise to help on your end of the production
  • Support – Friendly remote support for you, your talent and attendees
  • Metrics – Custom pre- and post-event evaluations, and delivery of trip-specific statistics and reports to help you track success
  • Promotion – Access to our existing community of nearly 25,000 teachers!
  • Fun – Free of charge!

What you provide

  • Location & Talent – You pick the farm or location that you want to showcase! You also provide the farmer(s), special guest(s), influencer(s) and the moderator (think news anchor)
  • Connectivity – All locations should have solid 4G or better connectivity and/or reliable high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity if hosting within barns. 
  • On-Farm Production – We are a completely remote production partner. We are the coach that is there every step along the way for our partners who are on the farm for tech tests, practices and live trips. We do not travel to, nor provide direct on-farm technical setup/testing/production.
  • Availability – Partners should be involved in planning and strategy sessions, technology tests and practices in addition to live events.
  • Technology – We provide recommendations of technology hardware (headsets and mobile stabilizers) you’ll need to purchase and use with your trips.
  • Promotion – It’s a team effort to promote your trip! It is recommended that partners also have a promotional outlet/channel to get the word out about their trips, especially if partnering with us for their first time.

Shall we say more? Here are some more benefits of partnering with Virtual Farm Trips

  • A proven framework and customizable program with near unanimous praise that eliminates start-up hurdles and helps you hit the ground running
  • A low-cost opportunity to provide high-impact experiences, for merely dollars (or less) per person reached
  • Increased shelf-life and prolonged online search visibility through a growing collection of recorded trips
  • A fresh, easy-to-implement, replicable Agriculture in the Classroom activity that keeps teachers coming back for more
  • Technological and logistical support from experts with over a decade of live virtual event production
    experience and 15+ years experience in agricultural advocacy
  • An agricultural advocacy platform for your farmers/employees to put leadership and spokesperson skills to action
  • Real time, effective, transparent access to farms and farmers for your key audiences, with the ability to connect tens of thousands of participants at a single time, that creates lasting, memorable impressions with todays and tomorrows consumers while positioning yourself as a trusted thought leader and resource for agriculture

What we provide

  • Planning – A detailed planning, strategy and promotion process allowing for complete customization to fit your needs and focus on your specific audience.
  • Production – We remotely produce your event to ensure the visuals, connection and streams are reaching and engaging your audience.
  • Training – Training, guidance and practice for you, your staff and farmers, panelists and others involved in trips to make sure all have a solid grasp of how each trip will be produced, and their specific roles.
  • Technology – A specific technology checklist to make sure you acquire the best-performing hardware and software to produce a high-quality trip.
  • Support – Friendly remote support for you, your talent and attendees to ensure an excellent event for all!
  • Metrics – We care about the impact you are making on your audience. Let us help you develop custom pre- and post-event evaluations, and delivery of trip-specific statistics and reports to help you gauge the success of, and make improvements to, your program.
  • Promotion – We promote your organization and trips on and send out upcoming trip notifications to our extensive list of teachers (23,000+) to encourage them to register.
  • Fun – We strictly believe in an enjoyable process for everyone involved. Fun is provided for free!

What you provide

  • Location & Talent – You pick the farm or location that you want to showcase! You also provide the farmer(s), special guest(s), influencer(s) and the moderator (think news anchor) for your trips. We recommend somebody from your organization serve as the event moderator.
  • Connectivity – Believe it or not, to host an effective trip, all locations should have solid 4G connectivity and/or reliable high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity if hosting within barns. Connectivity tests must be conducted at each farm prior to confirming if a live trip can be feasibly held at each site.
  • On-Farm Production – We are a completely remote production partner. Don t worry, we provide detailed technology recommendations, training and guidance. We are the coach that is there every step along the way for our partners who are on the farm for tech tests, practices and live trips. We do not travel to, nor provide direct on-farm technical setup/testing/production.
  • Availability – Partners should be involved in planning and strategy sessions, technology tests and practices in addition to live events.
  • Technology – To create a better viewing experience for your attendees, we provide recommendations of technology hardware (headsets and mobile stabilizers) you’ll purchase and use with your trips.
  • Promotion – Its a team effort to promote your trip! It is recommended that partners also have a promotional outlet/channel to get the word out about their trips, especially if partnering with us for their first series of trips.

Shall we say more?

Here are some more benefits of partnering with Virtual Farm Trips

  • A proven framework and customizable program with near unanimous praise that eliminates start-up hurdles and helps you hit the ground running
  • A low-cost opportunity to provide high-impact experiences, for merely dollars (or less) per person reached
  • Increased shelf-life and prolonged online search visibility through a growing collection of recorded trips
  • A fresh, easy-to-implement, replicable Agriculture in the Classroom activity that keeps teachers coming back for more
  • Technological and logistical support from experts with over a decade of live virtual event production
    experience and 15+ years experience in agricultural advocacy
  • An agricultural advocacy platform for your farmers/employees to put leadership and spokesperson skills to action
  • Real time, effective, transparent access to farms and farmers for your key audiences, with the ability to connect tens of thousands of participants at a single time, that creates lasting, memorable impressions with todays and tomorrows consumers while positioning yourself as a trusted thought leader and resource for agriculture

What’s the Investment?

Single Trip


5-Trip Package


  • $2,000 / Trip

10-Trip Package


  • $1,750 / Trip

15-Trip Package


  • $1,500 / Trip

Prices are based upon standard Virtual Farm Trip package rates. Custom pricing is available for partners wishing to host a different number of trips, different types of virtual experiences or additional custom features and support.

What is a Credit Worth?

Virtual Credit Definition

One virtual event credit will typically apply to events with the following criteria

  • 20–60 minutes in duration
  • Up to 10 panelists or speakers
  • 1-500 registered attendees (depending on event style and attendee needs
  • Support for one remote farm/facility (connectivity, rehearsal, etc)

Standard Virtual Farm Trips

Each standard Virtual Farm Trip will be worth one (1) event credit and will be planned, managed and produced as outlined above!

Non-Standard Virtual Experiences

We will determine each desired Virtual Experience value based upon the size, scope, duration, time investment and other key factors involved in producing the event (includes webinars, symposiums, large meetings, conferences, special events, etc.).

  • We will then present the number of virtual event credits required to provide support for the event for approval prior to work commencing.
  • Example: A 1-hour webinar may be worth the same credit as a standard Virtual Farm Trip, whereas a multi-day webinar with 6 total sessions over the course of 8 total hours may be worth 2 or 3 or more virtual experience credits.

Want to talk or learn more?

Contact Us