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Jasper Hill Farm & Cheese Caves Tour for Health Professionals
A behind the scenes tour of Jasper Hill Farm, hosted by farm experts. See the farm, creamery, and cheese caves.

Virtual Farm Trip to a Massachusetts Dairy – High School
Students will join dairy farmer Peter Melnik for a tour of his family’s farm and learn how dairy farmers take care of their cows, the lan...

Virtual Farm Trip to a Massachusetts Dairy – Middle School
Students will join dairy farmer Peter Melnik for a tour of his family’s farm and learn how dairy farmers take care of their cows, the lan...

Virtual Farm Tour to Barstow’s Longview Farm (Grades 3-5)
Using video chat technology, students will get a behind the scenes look into life on a New England dairy farm. Students will join dairy f...

Virtual Farm Trip to a Connecticut Dairy
On July 22 we hosted a live virtual farm tour at Freund's Farm in East Canaan, CT. Join third generation dairy farmer Amanda Freund for a...

Virtual Farm Trip to a Vermont Dairy
The Gladstone family of Newmont Farm. LLC. gave us a live look inside their family’s dairy farm with an interactive tour and Q&A. The tou...