Virtual Farm Trip: Dried Bing Cherries

Join Farmer Jake Samuel from Sunrise Fresh as he demonstrates the process of taking fresh cherries from the orchard to the pitting line, dehydrator and packing so you can enjoy healthy and yummy dried Bing cherries.

Virtual Farm Trip to Wisconsin’s Wonka’s Harvest Farm

Let’s explore another Wisconsin Farm – Wonka’s Harvest in Hollandale, a growing 1.3 acre no-till organic vegetable farm. On our trip to Wonka’s Harvest, Farmers Patty Grimmer and Ky Christenson will take us through the lifecycle of plants and...

Virtual Farm Trip to Erickson Fruit Farm in Florida

Join us for our virtual farm field trip to Erickson Farm on Lake Okeechobee in Canal Point, Florida. Located on the eastern shore of Florida’s largest lake, Erickson Farm specializes in mangos, avocados, starfruit, lychees, sapodillas, and other exotic fruits....

Virtual Farm Trip to a Pumpkin Farm

Join us on a virtual farm trip to Van Groningen and Sons, Inc. where you’ll learn more about growing, harvesting and post-harvesting processing of pumpkins. Farmers Bryan and Tommy we’ll take you behind the scenes from the field to the packing shed.

Urban Agriculture Virtual Farm Trip – Ohio State University

This virtual tour is jam packed with stops! We’re headed to the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory for a live tour of the demonstration gardens with Extension Educator Tim McDermott. Then we’ll head into the Teaching Kitchen at the Kunz-Brundige...