Careers in Home Audits and Weatherization Virtual Field Trip

Have you switched all your light bulbs to LEDs and installed a low-flow shower head? Join us for a virtual field trip to learn about the next steps to make your home more energy efficient. Follow an inspector performing a home energy audit to see the equipment used...

Solar Energy in Ohio – Careers in Renewable Energy

What career opportunities are available in solar energy? Join Ohio Energy Project for a tour of a utility scale solar farm in Wapakoneta. Learn how energy is harnessed and transformed into electricity using energy from the sun. You’ll also hear from site...

Electric Vehicles: Today & the Future

What are the opportunities and challenges of increased Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption to individuals, communities and the electric grid? This professional development for educators and interested community members will include: • Tour the Center of Automotive Research...

Women in Energy Virtual Panel

March is Women’s History Month and to celebrate, OEP is hosting a panel of women in the energy industry. Learn about opportunities, benefits and challenges for women in energy. Panelists include: utility executive, wind technicians, social media specialist and...