by Dan Toland | Mar 10, 2023
Celebrate National Reading Month and National School Breakfast Week with Breakfast and a Book – Part Two. Farmer Courtney will join us from inside a barn as she reads “Chocolate Milk, Por Favor: Celebrating Diversity with Empathy”. Written by Maria...
by Dan Toland | Feb 9, 2023
Celebrate Black History Month with Breakfast and a Book – Part One brought to you by Milk Means More. Detroit Pistons mascot, Hooper, will join Aaron Scott to read the book, “The Day You Begin” by Jacqueline Woodson, discuss favorite breakfast foods, and...
by Dan Toland | Dec 7, 2022
Even though he’s from Maine, Michael Poland moooved his dairy herd to Indiana in 2002 after attending Purdue University because he saw what a great place it was to dairy farm! The Polands milk around 300 cows in two different types of milking parlors: a rotary...
by Dan Toland | Nov 21, 2022
This tour is a deeper look into a specific area of each farm designed for students in Grades 6-12 that will cover one or two locations on the farm covering that area in detail. These tours will often feature a specialist along with the farmer such as veterinarians,...
by Dan Toland | Nov 21, 2022
This tour is a general Virtual Farm Tour designed for students in Pre-K – Grade 5 that covers the three primary areas of the farm: where the calves live, where the cows live, and where the cows are milked. While exploring these areas of the farm, the tour guide...